Thursday, March 5, 2020

8 Extensive Reading Activities for Language Learners Teaching Themselves

8 Extensive Reading Activities for Language Learners Teaching Themselves Uh, oh.  That  book just came out.Cancel all meetings. Postpone all  plans with friends. Hire a dog/cat sitter for several days.Do anything important  now, because once  that book is in your  hands  nothing is going to get done.Everyone has one of  those  books, right?Books that you just cannot put downâ€"no matter how much you try. You fall so deeply in love with the world the author has created for you, that you forget the actual world youre living in.This sort of pleasurable adventure is just as possible in a foreign language as in your native one. If youve been hitting wall after wall trying to drag yourself through a book that you hardly understand, give  extensive  reading a try instead.In extensive reading you should know at least 98% of the words on a page. In other words, it should  feel like reading. You should have that wonderful feeling of being wrapped up in a story, unable to set the book down even to eat.Unfortunately many of us have come to associate learning with unn ecessary suffering. All those late night cram sessions seemed to pay off, so why should it be any different with language learning? Well actually, language learning can be enjoyable  and effective. At least some of the time. Why Extensive Reading Is the Key to Your SuccessReading and being able to understand something is good. Reading and being able to understand something quickly is even better. How do you get faster at reading? Read a lot. One study  carried out by St. Lukes International University showed that students in an extensive reading program were able to significantly increase their reading speeds, while those in an intensive programâ€"who read less but harder materialâ€"had zero gain in reading speed.If thats not enough, extensive reading also has just about every other advantage you can imagine.  Research seems to support the idea that extensive reading can lead to better reading comprehension, a larger vocabulary and a higher level of motivation. That last one is by no means the least important, since motivation is one of  the key factors in how fast you develop.Now, you could just pick up a book (at the appropriate level) and go to town on it. But if you really want to maximize your time spent on extensive reading, there are a few activities that are super effective. Lets look at eight of them:8 Extensive Reading Activities for Language Learners Teaching Themselves1. Prime your knowledgeThis is a very basic activity that will make your extensive reading easier and more effective.First, skim through roughly the amount of text you plan on reading. Maybe a chapter or two at a time. Youre looking for any unknown words, but mostly the ones that appear over and over again. These are the words that are going to make it easy  to understand the basic plot elements of the story or the basic argument of the article. Look up a basic definition for each. Then you can add context and feeling to the definition as you read and see the word in a sentence.Next , read over the dust jacket summary and take a good look at the cover illustration if youre reading a book. If youre reading an article, read the headline and the subheadings. From this information alone, make a prediction about what the story or article will be about. This requires you to gather all the relevant vocab and background knowledge you have of the subject, making it easier to contextualize and understand what youre about to read.2. Write book reports and book reviewsThis one is probably self explanatory. When you finish a book, just write out a simple piece about it, including a basic summary and some of your own feelings about the text.Writing something like this will help to  create a personal understanding of the text by making you reread certain sections of the text to confirm that your understanding of the work is correct. Since this also serves as a test of your ability to recall details of the text, itll be much more likely that youll remember new vocab and gramma r in the long-run.To make sure you really put the effort in to comprehend whats going on, try publishing your review on a site like Goodreads or Amazon.3. Do timed readingsExtensive reading is  already a great way to get your reading speed up, but if youre still not as fast as you want to be, heres how to get better.The simplest task is a timed read. Choose a set number of pages and set a stopwatch for a set amount of time. Of course, texts vary a lot. Sometimes theres a lot of dialogue and you can read it quickly without any problem. Other times  its full of difficult descriptions and you have to struggle to make it to the end. So try to pick a time that would be reasonably difficult but possibleâ€"whatever happens in the text.A tweak on this activity is to pick a section, read it and time how long it takes you. Then when youve finished, reread that section, only now try to read it 20% faster. It goes without saying that you should try to read it quickly the first time, or else the second part of the activity wont be much of a challenge.Theres one other activity thats truly excellent for timed reads, but it can be a bit trickier. Youll have to find a partner whos learning the same language as you and is at about the same level of proficiency. Agree to read a set number of pages and race each other to see who finishes first. The person who finishes first should have to give a decent summary of what she or he read to prove that they really read it.4. Join book club discussionsJust like in your native language, book club discussions can provide great motivation to make sure you actually read what you want to. They also allow you to hear other peoples thoughts on the book that might have never occurred to you otherwise. This can be a wonderful way to go over confusing grammar or just make sure youre reading what you think youre reading. Sometimes its easy to have an existential crisis about whats really on the page when youre reading a book in a foreign language all by yourself.Besides the reasons above, book club discussions can be a great way to roll together speaking and reading practice. If you host your discussions in the language youre learning, youll quickly be able hold a decent conversation about literature. And youll probably have to do some quick scanning for passages you want to use. Being able to switch back and forth between different parts of language is always a valuable skill.To find a book club,  Meetup is always a great place to start. However, since most book clubs around seem to be in English, you can either try to read the book in your target language,  or start a new club where everyone reads in the target language. This is probably easier than you think. Are you a member of a language group already? Do you have friends who are studying the same language? All you need to do is convince two or three people to join you, and you have a book club.5. Create chain storiesThis is another activity that requires a partner at a bout the same level of proficiency as you.You and a partner choose two different books. Its probably more fun if theyre on wildly different topics. Begin by reading the first chapter or a set number of pages from one book and have your partner do the same from the other book. When youve finished, you each to have to summarize what youve just read to the other person as clearly and in as much detail as you can.Now switch books and read the next section. Even if your partner made mistakes, hopefully you can figure them out and have some fun correcting them.6. Work on your creative writingHad enough of summarizing the story? Why not try rewriting it? Creative writing based on what youve just finished reading can be a highly effective tool for solidifying those gains in vocab/grammar that youve made.Perhaps the most fun time to do this is when youre faced with a terrible ending to an otherwise good story. Weve all had this happen to us. Were blissfully turning page after page. We see th at the number of pages is slowly dwindling down, but there doesnt seem to be anything in the narrative that suggests so. And then the story just ends, as if the author had never read an ending themselves. Now is your chance to do what needs to be done. Write what they should have written in the first place.An enjoyable alternative to this activity is to take one chapter of a book and rewrite it in a different genre. Think Pride and Prejudice and Zombies or Android Karenina. The result can be hilariously entertaining.And if youve gone through these activities a thousand times, you can always  write a letter to a character in the book about something you agree or disagree with, trying to assume the same tone as the book. Done well, it can give you an entirely new connection to what youre reading.7. Keep vocabulary journalsIn addition to the vocabulary you pulled out from the text in the first activity, you can also keep a vocabulary journal for those words that you inevitably miss whe n youre skimming the text.A vocabulary journal doesnt need to be fancy. When you see a new word or phrase that you think is important, write it down in your journal. If possible, add your own definition based on context clues and an example sentence. That way, when you look it up later you can see it in context again.If youre learning French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese or German, you can also check out the web version of the MosaLingua app, which gives you pre-selected content to learn with, including authentic reading material, and allows you to look up words and phrases instantly with a translator tool. You can also turn vocabulary into flashcards to ensure you dont forget about it.And when youre all finished with what youre reading, go back and try to write a summary that includes all of the words you recorded in your vocabulary journal.8. Skim and scanThese two activities are for those with a dire wish to be able to read as fast as a native speaker.For skimming, pick a chapter and read only the first and last sentence of each paragraph. When youve finished, write out a summary. Then read the text again slowly and see if there are any important details youve missed. If so, what strategies do you think you could use to skim the text more effectively without slowing down? Tinker with how you do your skimming until it seems like you can read anything in no time, and still be able to write the equivalent of a late night school essay.But maybe you dont need to read the whole text. Maybe you just want to be able to find answers to specific questions as quickly as possible. Thats where scanning comes in. For this, its best if you can find readings that come with questions. Often times books that have been marked for book clubs will include questions in the back. Otherwise, you might try generating some of your own questions based on the topic of the book or chapter.You dont have to try every one of these activities. Just grab the ones that stick out to you. Afte r all, theyre to be paired with extensive readingâ€"that wonderfully joyous way to spend a lazy Sunday. Or any other day for that matter. For once, you can let the pressure go and just have fun, knowing that youll be learning all the while. And One More ThingFluentU gives you a chance to practice reading in a foreign language right along with your favorite videos!FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks, and turns them into language learning experiences. Just a quick look will give you an idea of the range of content available:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all t he vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the iTunes store  or Google Play store.

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